Whoaaa, how did we get back here so fast?

Our time in the U.S. felt much too short. I didn't feel ready to come back, but this was how the plans were laid and here we are. I feel hot and dazed, jet-lagged and still adjusting to culture and our bug-infested house. Our first day of homeschooling, today, was a fiasco of finding items and hoping I had brought it all back from America. I didn't.
We didn't get to see everyone we wanted to, and some folks we wanted to see more than we did, but again, time constraints.
Someday I want that full year. So far it has just been a few months here and there, which is better than nothing, but someday it would be nice to spend a year. (I wonder what we would do? Kennedy would hate it unless he took art classes or something.)
Our dogs were shaggy, but alive...so glad about that. We took them to the poodle parlor the day after we arrived and we got our beautiful dogs back. They probably need therapy for being left alone for such long stretches of time. At least they had a big yard and each other.
We got up early and ran on the beach this morning, dragging the kids with us.
So sleepy...must be jetlag


Anonymous said…
It's so good to have you back! But yeah, the transition is definitely WHOOAAA..... Love you, Pam

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