
Showing posts from January, 2012

The Importance of Showers

I chose to wear a skirt for my first day of volunteer work at the center. Put together, capable, clean and professional. If I wear jeans I will look sloppy and unable to function in the role I will be taking there. I will wear jeans later. I love wearing jeans, soft old ones, with a soft old t-shirt. I will be sure to take a shower in the morning. Most Thais bathe their children before school and take a shower before they come to work or eat dinner. 2 showers a day is standard, 1 shower a day is barely hygienic , and not so hygienic in the hot months. It took me years to understand how sensitive the average Thai nose is to bodily odors. Especially ours, since we smell funny to them, being foreigners. My Thai friends still feel a bit miffed that my kids don't take showers before school, and I only take one shower a day unless it's really hot. It makes sense that a Thai kiss is a sniff.

Relational Complexities

Human relationships are so complex in general, and then the rules change in another culture. Starting a new partnership with a blend of both Thai and Western non-Thai and some-Thai speakers is a great example of a complex set of relational rules to follow. Verbal, non-verbal communication is a challenge-you must act one way around the westerners, another way around the Thais, and if you have a Westerner attune to both Thai language and culture, you must be aware of them as well. Eye contact, body proximity, appropriate facial expressions, appropriate body language, these are important things one must keep in mind. Then there is ultra-hygiene, so important in Thailand, and appropriate dress of course. It makes my head spin. So it goes with starting a new partnership, I am excited and I am nervous, too. I will be going to a place called The Centre 3 days a week to help take over discipleship of women there and possibly help teach English if I have time. There is quite a mish-mash of peop

2012 Goals

* Be faithful to do Thai language study from 9:30a.m. to 11:30a.m. Monday through Friday. * Take the OMF level 2 test and then begin studying for the level 3 test. * Continue to disciple the women at WonGen Cafe'. * Seek for more women who are ready to be discipled. * Continue to pray for all the ministries happening at WonGen Cafe'. * Nurture and love Kennedy, Poppy & Jasper. * Keep running. Run at least one 1/2 marathon this year.