house for sale

The flowershop lady starting her business next door to our shophouse was outside planting rows of palms, honey-sweet flowered bushes, and some other low palm bush in a row down her driveway. Horsetail and other tropical reeds in large pots were placed at intervals. It was all quite lovely after all the garbage and rancid water that used to be there. I went out to talk to her, it is the polite thing to do. She told me about a house her family was selling near the area we are going to move to. It sounded small, but very nice, on a lot of land full of fruit trees. It's hard to hear these things. To think of having our own small house on a lot of land is a wonderful thought. We have never, in our 14 years of marriage, lived anywhere longer than 3 years. The thought of having a nice little home of our own to raise our children in is a wonderful thought. It's easier not to think of it, really, because I don't think it is going to happen and if I think about it too long, I start to feel really sad. We talked about it at dinner and Poppy our 9 year old said, "It sounds like just the right house for us!" Why am I even writing about it? I know I have plenty to be thankful for, I am thankful. I just feel a little sad about it.


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