Sweat is Rolling Down my Back

It is the end of February, I know everyone in the U.S. is freezing, but it is heating up here, a bit more than a month away from the killer "hot season" everyone dreads. What does "heating up here" mean, anyway? Well, it is in the 90's with a blanketing kind of humidity that makes everyone sweaty. I am sunburnt from watering the lawn! Today I went to Nam Chem to teach the children Sunday School and the heat there made me feel kind of nauseous. Right now it is 7:30ish and the temperature has dropped to the mere mid-80's, but the humidity is worse than earlier.
I was complaining about the heat one time years ago and my friend said, "Well, look at it this way, at least we can go outside all year."
So tonight, I'm not complaining, I'm just making an observation, sweat is rolling down my back but I know it is freezing there where you are in the US!


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