Ant Bites Worse Than Mosquito Bites

Horrid things, these red ants here in Thailand. They love to make huge nests everywhere and our garden is full of them. They like our house a lot, too. When they bite, a clear blister appears and the itch is unbelievable, worse than mosquito bites. Then the blister pops and leaves a little weeping sore that itches even worse than before.
We went to the public park the other day to clean it up and mow the grass, clear off the invasive tropical vines & plants, (you wouldn't believe how huge and how fast-growing weeds are here,) and the ants really got me good, on the feet and arms.
Last night I kept Kennedy awake with all my scratching and itching. Today I've been trying to coax the dog to lick them, talk about pathetic. They can last for weeks, too.
Horrid things.


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