Stephen & Julie Visit

We had visitors from our home church come stay with us for a week to see what missionary life was like in Thailand. These newlyweds were very cute & fun to have around. They helped us homeschool our kids so we could get some very overdue work done. Julie helped me do the makeup for the kids that danced at the grand opening of the center, which was so great...even with the 2 of us it took almost 2 hours to do all 10 girls (& some adults who asked to be done, too.) Julie & I scrubbed the (just finished & coated with grime & cement dust) bathrooms while Kennedy & Stephen lifted stuff and helped get the center ready for the ceremony. They were good workers with great attitudes and a blessing to have around. We tried to do some fun stuff, too, like elephant riding, cave & monkey visiting, and, of course, to the beach.
We dropped them off at the airport today & they will be flying around the world for about 22 hours. Blessings to you 2.


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