They Came, Ate Bizarre Food, And Left

It was an all day event, actually. The film crew, one of the producers, and Andrew Zimmern came at 9a.m. and left at around 6p.m. after English class was done. They wanted to get some film of what we do here at Dean's center helping the local community.
They DID pay for the cost of everything and the loss of pay that our Thai partners incurred by helping them with their show that day, so I was really relieved about that. They threw in some extra money, too, so I was happy for Tanom, Khrua, Chan, Rat, Ning, & everyone else that participated. I saw the crew on my way out to the airport to spend the week in Chiang Mai to get the kids tested for the year.
I think the film crew got lots of shots of Dean's interns Kory & Trevor, so they'll get to be on t.v. I'm sure that made them happy!
I have no idea when we'll get to see it on t.v. so hopefully friends and relatives will see it & tape it off the t.v. for us.


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