Whose idea was this anyway?

Teaching English every night from Monday to Friday, that is. It was my idea, of course, so I can't blame anyone else but me! It is more tiring than I thought it would be. I enjoy teaching English, but I think I am overstretching my schedule. Homeschooling all day, then an hour of reading Thai for fluency, then making dinner, then running off to teach English at 6 p.m. This past week was week #2 and I could barely do anything Thursday and Friday evenings. Thankfully, Dean's interns, Kory and Trevor, were there, too. They helped me out so much. After our Friday evening English lesson we have our cell group, Bible study, and I dozed through most of that. Kennedy was away at meetings 5 hours away in another town this past week, but he is back and when we start up this coming week I think we are going to have to switch off. Wonderwoman, energizer bunny, I am not. What was I thinking?

I was thinking, this is what it is going to take for these kids to really learn English so they can grow up and get good jobs here in Southern Thailand. Even learning a language every day still means years before fluency...especially when the languages are so different from one another!

Maybe Kory & Trevor can take over Fridays completely...then at least I can stay awake for the cell group.


Anonymous said…
Someone needs to add a few more hours to each day. Linnea is sometimes reffered to as the "Blonde Tornado" becuase she often bites off more than she bargained for, but some how still manages to get everything done. Many of the retired folks I talk with have commented that they dont understand how they ever found time to work for all those years. Prety neat what you are doing for those kids...kudos. Mom is visting from Alaska after her last nursing tour, and she took Tye to the sierras for some bonding time. Stay safe!

Anonymous said…
You're right, what were you thinking? :-) I remember trying to do that a couple of nights a week in Baan Piet, and only for a few weeks before final exams...
Oceanicthai said…
Thank you, R, for your comment! Did you get my last e-mail?
Oceanicthai said…
It's so nice to see you've been to my blog again, Irene, thank you for leaving a comment. I need to hurry up and e-mail you. I also need to see how the house is coming...wow, I bet you're almost ready to move in! (Or maybe you have already?)
Anonymous said…
Sure did! Just got done reading about your massage, sounds wonderful. I've never found anyone yet who could go deep enough. Sounds like this might be the ticket.


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