Nutella Exoskeleton

I was eating my bread with nutella this morning and crunched on something that kind of reminded me of a dried up bug. I crunched again. Then, when I spread some more of the yummy European chocolate spread on my piece of bread, I saw a big clump of something. I picked it up, and it looked like the exoskeleton of some kind of bug. I heaved a deep sigh and looked at the label to see where it was manufactured. I saw Thai, Malaysian, Indonesian...and thought to myself, "I bet they've just opened a new manufacturing plant for Nutella in Southeast Asia and their product has some quality control problems." Then I saw it was manufactured in Australia and imported into Thailand. "Wow, they've got some serious quality control issues in Australia, maybe I should write them to let them know." I picked up the long-ish chocolate covered bug-thing and decided to rinse it off to see what it was. I really didn't want to, thinking about all the other crunchy things I had already eaten. Something in me said, "You don't want to do this, it will probably ruin your appetite for Nutella the rest of your life." I did it anyway. After quite a bit of rinsing, some whitish things were visible, so I took it outside in the sunlight to get a closer look. It was hard to see kind of looked whitish, Oh. Jasper probably got bread in the Nutella. I ate it. It tasted a little soggy. Then I went back and spread a big glob of Nutella on my bread and happily ate it. Yum.


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