Sour Cream & Lemon Zest cutouts, Gingerbread men, Scotcharoos, Huge Globs of Icing

Wednesday was the cookie marathon, and thankfully I had some help. Ning, Khrua, Kory & Trevor came to help; so we all donned aprons & baked, mixed, spooned, iced & sampled. We made 2 double batches of Sour-Cream Lemon Zest cookies & gingerbread cut them into Christmas trees, angels, gingerbread men, reindeer, stars, and then decorated them with 5 different colors of frosting Kory mixed up & colored. We made 2 big pans of Rice Krispy Scotcharoos with P.B., and drizzled melted chocolate on top. Total, we baked around, I don't know, 300 cookies & bars. My arms ached, so did my legs, and when I stuck my tongue out, I happened to taste my face and it tasted like sugar, powdered sugar. I found cookie dough in my hair. Khrua fell asleep on the floor after lunch. Ning was my tireless cookie warrior, (and my tireless cookie taster.) I didn't begrudge her a single bite, she worked really hard.
Tomorrow starts the party marathon. Our 1st one is at 5 p.m. for my 26 English students here at the house. The 2nd one is at 7 p.m. for our Friday night cell group, at our house. 3rd party is Sunday after church for the church kids, at our house again. The fourth is a huge one, hundreds of people will be there, thankfully it is being held elsewhere! We just have to bring cookies.


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