Torture by Karoke

I can't sleep. Across the street from us is a shabby little Karoke bar that blasts its horrible cacophony right into our bedroom window. Most days of the week both of us are dragging around sleep-deprived because of this place. When we were looking at the house at first several months ago, we were worried about the Karoke bar across the street and asked the owners about it. "Oh, don't worry, they will keep you company. You won't be lonely!"
At first we were having dreams and fantasies of what we were going to do to make it go away. Blow it up, for example. Unfortunately, we can't do anything, not even complain about it. They are within the law, as long as they shut off at midnight or 1a.m. or something like that. Things are not the same here as America. The other Karoke bar in this area is owned by a policeman. You get the picture.
So we just kind of lay in bed in resigned misery.
It is miserable. Tonight I went to bed late because they were loud and I knew I couldn't go to sleep anyway. So near midnight I went to bed. I was in bed listening to the horrible screeching of drunk men to some of the worst music I've ever heard in my life. I didn't feel like crying, like so many other nights, but just decided I'd get up and blog about it instead!
I'll have to upload a picture of the place tomorrow. It looks so harmless, the name of it is Fern Leaf and it is a one-story green building with no glass on the windows and a huge speaker system.
Actually, last night was even worse than tonight, the singer and the music were just about unbearably horrid, all synthesized electric organ tunes. At least tonight there is a little guitar mixed in there. But still bad, very bad. Now that I can understand the words better I get to hear how stupid the lyrics are, too. I know someday this will be so funny, I know it is funny now, it is just so awful it is funny, really, but I wish I could get some more sleep at night!!!

Today Gee brought me some chili-tamarind candy to wake me up.

We are just yawning our way through the day. I should record this noise from the balcony and put it on the blog for you to listen to, it is so bad it is comical.


Anonymous said…
That sure brings back the memories of the karaoke bar across the street from us when we first lived in Chiang Mai! The only thing that helped was installing an air conditioner in our bedroom PLUS using ear plugs. And even that only worked if I was really, really tired.

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