Muslim village

We are going to a Muslim village Saturday with "Save the Children" or some other organization. We have to meet at 8 a.m. to caravan, so that will be a bit of a challenge with all of us Saturday sleepyheads, but we really want to go. The Muslims in this area are very moderate compared to the Muslims in the Southernmost regions. I read in the paper the other day that since early last year over 1,000 people have died from shootings and bombings. So tragic. Some of it was government mishandling situations, like the 68 or so young men that died from what was probably heat-stroke while they were being detained by police. But the Muslims are also killing Buddhists and bombing schools that they feel are trying to integrate their children into mainstream Thai society. It is such a mess there. The parents of some of our friends moved out and are trying to sell their land. They are Christians and they are afraid to live there any longer. Christians and churches are also targets, they told us. Someone tried to explode a bomb in one of the churches down there but it didn't go off, our friends told us. They also told us of some missionary women that had been kidnapped a long time ago and then murdered, 2 single women.
Someone else told us that some of the Buddhist women there cover their heads with the same kind of scarf that the Muslim women wear because they feel safer wearing it.


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