Sea cucumbers

Sea Cucumbers, Sea Urchins, Sea Anenomes, Starfish, Limpets, Mollusks, Hermit Crabs, Mud-Skippers, Fiddler Crabs, live corals, schools of we saw them all at low tide at the beach of Khook Khlooy, where we usually go play once a week. Today was the lowest tide of the month, and it was wonderful. Jasper was grabbing the hermit crabs by the handfuls, he was so excited he didn't even care they were trying to come out and pinch him. (Hermit crabs really hurt when they pinch.) I was really excited, too, I've never seen the kinds of starfish we saw today, very thin, slender arms with what seemed like orange and blue coloring, peeking out from under the rocks they were under. I thought maybe they were octopi, but we couldn't see their bodies, and the arms looked too brittle, not fleshy. We were all enthralled. It was wonderful to share the moment with our children, to share it as a family. Discoveries are best shared with the ones you love and the ones that love you.


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