Gee's Younger Sister Here From Bangkok

Gee's younger sister is 21 and works in Bangkok. She is here visiting Gee for a while and has come to work with her every day this week. Today is Wednesday. She is very cute, with big eyes, skinny, long dyed-reddish hair in a Thai-style shag. She looks bored, poor thing. Tomorrow we might all go out to the Thai beach restaurant. It is cheap to go out to eat at Thai restaurants, between 50 cents and $2.00 for lunch. So Thais (and ex-pats like us) go out to eat a lot. The restaurants are often just kind of like shacks or garages with metal tables and plastic chairs, but the food is good and the price is right! Eating is one of the Thai national pastimes, there is food everywhere at every hour of the day and night. One reason living in Thailand is so fun sometimes is that there is always a food stand open somewhere. Here in the South the food is more expensive than the East, but I've noticed I don't get ill nearly as often. Usually flies aren't crawling all over the food supplies, like where we used to live. That's nice.


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